Updates to Scottish Fencing Guidance December 2021

Good afternoon everyone

Scottish Fencing has today received notification from sportscotland and the Scottish Government regarding changes to guidance for sport.

You can read the updated guidance here

As per the government briefing held today and contained within the guidance, there are opportunities to maintain fencing and indeed to go about your fencing activity as you have recently been doing.

However, the messages from government are clear around the requirement for everyone to minimise their physical contact with others unless absolutely necessary. For fencing in Scotland, this choice remains with members, clubs and facility providers.

As methods of good practice, we encourage every fencer to take a Lateral Flow Test prior to attending any club or fencing session. Some facility providers may ask for proof of the test or indeed for proof of vaccination which is their choice to request this.

We ask everyone to consider whether they should be mixing with other households at the moment. We know how much you love your fencing and staying active so if you are attending a session, please make sure you continue to clean your hands regularly, wear a face-mask at all times except during your fencing activity and take a Lateral Flow Test before leaving your home. (order Lateral Flow Tests here).

Clubs should continue to keep accurate records for Test and Protect. Covid Officers should also take this opportunity to review practices and perhaps consider the following –

  • can the club offer more space?

  • can the club improve ventilation?

Maintaining booking systems and attendance lists are also important elements in battling the virus and supporting any test and protect follow-ups. We know fencing clubs were excellent at maintaining these systems and we ask if you can, to keep maintaining them.

This is obviously a moving picture, and we will be here to answer questions until the 21 December when the office closes for the holiday. If there are any significant changes before the office returns on the 6 January we will endeavour to keep you informed. Meantime, please do take care of yourself, your club mates and those closest to you.

Vincent Bryson

CEO - Scottish Fencing