Under 18 coaches
Young fencers can learn a lot from being involved in the coaching role in a club and Scottish Fencing would actively encourage clubs to provide their junior fencers the opportunity to try their hand at not just coaching but refereeing, armoury and DT.
Disclosure Checks for U18s
Anyone coaching young people under the age of 18 must have a Disclosure Check before starting in the role. If they are in a support role they can then gain the other qualifications necessary but they must have a Disclosure certificate before they begin any role working with fencers under the age of 18.
Disclosure Checks can be done for anyone over the age of 16. (Check the PVG page and follow the same instructions for an older coach/volunteer there are no differences for an under 18 applicant).
For coaches under the age of 16 they can complete a self declaration.
Position of Trust
All coaches are considered by law as people in Positions of Trust. For this reason Scottish Fencing recommends coaches under the age of 18 do not coach or lead classes of their peers or fencers of a similar age.
It could be natural for a young person aged under 18 to have a relationship with another person aged 16 or 17 however if they are a coach and the other party is a pupil this relationship is considered unlawful. As a coach they are in a position of trust and whilst the relationship may seem to be consensual this consent is not accepted in legal terms because of the relative positions of the parties involved.
People who are in positions of trust can have a considerable amount of power and influence and for this reason even though those aged 16 and 17 are of an age to consent to sexual activity the law recognises the need to protect them in defined circumstances. This includes when a coach has a relationship with a pupil.
The principles and guidance apply irrespective of sexual orientation: neither homosexual nor heterosexual relationships are acceptable in a position of trust. Any sexual activity, which is not freely consenting, is criminal.
For that reason Scottish Fencing recommends under 18 coaches coach classes of fencers who are not their peers, so younger fencers for example.